What can you publish as a PhD candidate?

Two months ago, I wrote a piece about whether PhD students should publish journal articles when they are still a candidature. This article, indeed, only focuses on academic publication. There are still other questions that we can ask. For example, when would be the best time to get your first publication? Should PhD students consider turningContinue reading “What can you publish as a PhD candidate?”

Should a PhD student publish articles during candidature?

I had few conversation with some first and second years PhD students recently. Coincidentally, all of them ask me the same question: should a PhD publish articles in a peer-reviewed journal before completing the degree. I was once a PhD candidate. Indeed, I understand their concerns. However, as a person who have had a similarContinue reading “Should a PhD student publish articles during candidature?”

Higher education teaching and learning in humanities and social sciences after the pandemic

Over the past two year, the higher education sector has faced a lot of challenges. Due to the pandemic, campuses were closed for almost twenty months. Indeed, humanities and social sciences departments are the least affected. Most of the courses run pretty smoothly online. In 2022, the world is returned to normal – no moreContinue reading “Higher education teaching and learning in humanities and social sciences after the pandemic”